08-07-2012EASTVALE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION MINUTES August 7th, 2012 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: • AL NASSAR – EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • JULIE REYES – CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER • JEFF DEGRANDPRE – MAYOR/BOARD MEMBER • YVONNE BENITEZ – BOARD MEMBER 1) Called to Order @ 6:40 by Al Nassar 2) Additions/Deletions: 1. Ariel Berry: Presented sub- recipient agreement needed to be signed to receive proper training for Block Grant. Allows us to receive training if/when we receive Block Grant Funds, for proper disbursement of such funds. Al moved to sign; Jeff 2nd and all were in favor. 3) Public Comment: 1. Adam Rush, per various conversations with Council, Foundation needs to work to develop a “Strategic Plan” to better serve the community, especially when dealing with the Block Grant. Block Grant talk has provided an array of confusion in regards to proper disbursement, since the burden seems to be with the Foundation to front the money. Adam Rush encourages changes to By-Laws, increase in board membership, and to generate volunteer list. Also, suggests we may be entitled to receive an assistant to help prepare Agenda and Minutes, possibly with the new recording secretary. Adam has also talked to a CPA who is willing to assist us in Budgeting and Accounting, free of cost. Adam also advised us of possible incentive, with City Billboard on the 15 Freeway, which will generate funds and 5-10% to be split between Foundation and Chamber. In order for us to possibly receive these funds; we need to have a formal structure, which the Strategic Plan will provide us. By the next Board Meeting, we should have a start on our own individual goals for the Foundation and by the next meeting we will discuss our goals collectively. 4) Motion to approve minutes from 06/10/12 by Jeff DeGrandpre and seconded by Yvonne Benitez. All were in favor. 5) Committee Updates: a) Al Nassar talked to Ontario Reign, Hockey. Possible Eastvale night, similar to our Quakes game. October 13th, is opening day. They will donate items and allow for a silent auction, we receive 100% of all profits. Potential date is November 4th, afternoon game. b) Spark of Love event, do we want to do this event again, is this our signature event? With lack of funds, can we continue to put on this event? Make it a possible day event? c) Foundation, maybe considering a 5K, will need to find out if Climate Boosters are still hosting event. 6) Bicycle Event: At this time the Foundation does not have the means. However, Randy is still working on having an Organization to sponsor the entire event. He will continue to provide updates; if/when more information is available. 7) 700 Forms: have been submitted. 8) By-law changes: Al to complete final version of By-law changes with Board approval, to be presented at the next City Council meeting in two weeks, August 22nd. By-laws requested changes will provide term changes; serve at the pleasure of City Council/resignation replacement (Sharyn Link)/AD Hoc Committees. 9) No Financial Report provided. 10) Directors Comments: a) Julie recommends we have a specific phone number, voicemail box specifically for the Foundation. Recording secretary could be in charge of checking voicemail- Jeff D will follow up. Julie will also look into job description for reporting secretary with other foundations. b) Rick D. suggests we start from scratch with Foundation Website. Also will change domain name, Eastvale Foundation for search convenience. Riverside County has a Foundation that will help Foundations build and grow. Will look into information and report back. c) Yvonne will take on responsibility of grant writing research, including grant application and possible organizations that provide grants to Community Foundations, for example, Wal- Mart/Pechanga/Morongo. d) Al will write up changes to the by-laws to increase the number of board members and present to Council, August 22nd. Al will also contact Jeff W to find out if he is able to fulfill his obligations with the Foundation. 11) No other business. Next Meeting Date will be September 4th, 2012. Motion to Adjourn by Al Nassar and seconded by Jeff DeGrandpre at 7:58pm.