FISCAL YEAR 2022-23, QUARTER 3 ENDING MARCH 31, 2023E A S T V A L E CALIFORNIA CITY OF INTERIM F IN ANCIAL REPO RT Q UAR TE R THREE | 9 MON THS FISCAL YEAR 2021 - 2022 Executive Summary City of Eastvale UNAUDITED Fiscal Year 2022-23 Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months, 70% Reported City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 2 REPORT OVERVIEW On June 22, 2022, the City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget. The interim financial report is prepared by the Finance Department and contains informa�on related to the fiscal year 2022-23 budget and actual ac�vity for revenues and expenditures for the 9-month period ending March 31, 2023. The figures contained in this report are audited for fiscal year 2021-22 and unaudited for the 2022-23 fiscal year. The informa�on in this report reflects Mid-Year appropria�ons, which the City Council adopted during the period ending March 31, 2023. QUARTER 3 HIGHLIGHTS: Key changes impacting the city during the third quarter of fiscal year 2022-23 Prior Fiscal Year Notes: The city ended the prior fiscal year with a budget surplus of $34.2 million. The surplus is due to several factors. The overwhelming majority of the surplus is due to an increase in the city’s sales tax receipts. Addi�onally, the City experienced savings in its largest department in the General Fund, Law Enforcement. Law enforcement had a budget surplus due to normal annual budget savings through the Riverside Sheriff Office contract and the City’s use of American Rescue Plan Act grant funds for law enforcement contract costs. Fund Balance: The city is projected to complete the year with $118.7 million in fund balance in the General Fund. A litle over $16.8 million is set aside as an assigned emergency reserve for opera�ons. A total of $100.5 million has been commited by the City Council for the Civic Center project and other capital reserves. The es�mated remaining $3.3 million of unassigned fund balance is available to cover nega�ve fund balances in other governmental funds. The Fire Fund is projected to finish the fiscal year with $14.5 million in fund balance. An assigned emergency reserve of $5.8 million is set aside for opera�ons, an addi�onal $8.0 million is commited for the future third fire sta�on, and $400,000 is commited as an equipment replacement reserve. The remaining $316,408 is considered unassigned fund balance. Sales Tax Monitoring: The Finance department con�nues to monitor revenues closely, par�cularly sales tax. A true- up payment applicable to quarter two ending December 31, 2020, has not yet been received. HdL originally believed the true up would be received in the 2021-22 fiscal year, however the State has s�ll not reallocated the payment. The true-up is es�mated at $8.0 million. More detail regarding sales tax is available in the atachments “General Fund Opera�ng Summary” and “Sales Tax Quarterly Summary.” Appropria�ons Limit: A summary report, “Appropria�ons Limit Summary,” is included in this report. The city exceeded the state mandated Appropria�ons Limit for fiscal year 2020-21, 2021-22 and expects to exceed the limit for 2022-23. The summary report details the city’s limit and revenues subject to appropria�ons and provides trend data for the last three fiscal years. The city will con�nue to address the appropria�ons limit implica�ons during the budget and mid-year processes. The City Council commited funds that exceeded the limit towards capital outlay. This report does not include projections and only focuses on the City’s performance in comparison to budgeted estimates. Attached Detail Reports General Fund Summary by Category General Fund Summary by Department General Fund Opera�ng Summary Other Funds Revenue and Expenditure Summary City-Wide Fund Balances Assigned Reserve, Con�ngency Calcula�on Appropria�ons Limit Summary Sales Tax Quarterly Summary Accounting Methods The figures presented in this execu�ve summary and the atached reports reflect general ledger balances as of March 31, 2023. Approximately 70% of the year has been reported. The city u�lizes an accrual basis of accoun�ng for all governmental funds, as required by the Generally Accepted Accoun�ng Standards (GAAP). To comply with GAAP, staff accrues revenues received and expenditures occurring in the months of July and August back to the month of June. This Executive Summary City of Eastvale UNAUDITED Fiscal Year 2022-23 Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months, 70% Reported City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 3 matches the transac�on to the period in which revenue was earned or the expenditure occurred. The figures in this report represent the audited figures for June 30, 2022, and the Finance Department’s best es�mate of revenues and expenditures for March 31, 2023, as of the published date of this report. GENERAL FUND OBSERVATIONS The city’s General Fund is the largest and most flexible of the city’s funds as it contains all unrestricted revenues and provides the most discre�on for expenditures. Major General Fund revenue sources include sales tax, property tax, franchise fees, permit fees, and intergovernmental. The General Fund holds the majority of services provided to the community including police services, community development, and general government. The General Fund Overview table provides budgeted revenues and expenditures in addi�on to actual revenues and expenditures. The percentage reflects the percentage of budget u�lized. Balanced Budge�ng – Per the city’s adopted Budget Policy, the total expenditure appropria�ons shall not exceed the total of es�mated revenues. In the adopted fiscal year 2022-23 budget, total General Fund expenditure appropria�ons did not exceed revenues and the fund is expected to complete the fiscal year with a budget surplus. Details regarding the city’s opera�ng statement can be found on page seven and in the Atachment “General Fund Opera�ng Summary.” Net Revenue/Change in Fund Balance - The General Fund will likely complete the fiscal year with $22.6 million in net revenue, also called a budget surplus (revenue minus expenditures), for the fiscal year 2022-23. The majority of these funds have been allocated towards capital infrastructure reserves; these reserves were iden�fied during the 2022-23 budget process and adopted by City Council via resolu�on. It should be noted that the Fire Fund also consists of General Fund revenues, however due to agreements with Riverside County the fund is separated as an other-purpose general fund for budgeting purposes. The Fire Fund is collapsed into the General Fund on the city’s financial statements. Fire Fund information is in the section following the General Fund in this report. GENERAL FUND REVENUES As a general note, not all revenues are received monthly including sales tax, property tax, and franchise fees. The State of California provides monthly es�mated sales tax advance installments and issues the city a quarterly true-up a�er the State receives quarterly tax returns from businesses. A majority of property tax is typically received solely in the second half of the fiscal year and as a result, a large por�on of property tax revenues have not yet been received for the fiscal year. Franchise fees are received quarterly, a�er the quarter ends. Overall, General Fund revenues stand at 66% of budget totaling $42,946,697, due solely to the issue listed above. General Fund Overview 9-Months Ended March 31, 2023 General Fund Overview Amended Budget Actual Ac�vity % Revenues 64,729,435 42,946,697 66% Expenditures 42,106,239 13,670,194 32% Surplus (Deficit) 22,623,196 29,276,503 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2020-21 Actuals 2021-22 Actuals 2022-23 Budget 2022-23 Actuals To-DateMillionsYear-by-Year Revenue and Expenditures Revenue Expenditure Executive Summary City of Eastvale UNAUDITED Fiscal Year 2022-23 Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months, 70% Reported City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 4 Detail of Specific Revenue Categories Sales Tax – Sales tax revenues are highly indica�ve of economic circumstances. The city u�lizes HdL Companies for sales tax analysis. Budget currently stands at $44.0 million. For the third quarter repor�ng period, seven months of sales tax revenues have been received totaling $28.2 million. Sales tax is the city’s largest revenue source and for monitoring purposes staff created an Atachment to this report �tled “Sales Tax Summary.” Addi�onal third-quarter sales taxes have been received a�er the end of the repor�ng period and totaled $6.7 million, for a total of $34.9 million for the first three quarters of the year, which is higher than budget projec�ons. It should be noted that because these revenues were not received during the first quarter, all other reports omit these sales tax revenues. Property Tax – Property tax revenues are based solely on the valua�on of property, both secured and unsecured, within the city. Secured property is property including land and buildings; unsecured property includes equipment and machinery. Property tax revenues are typically received in the second half of the fiscal year. Actual revenues are $2.4 million or 67% of budget. Franchise Fees – This category is typically comprised of regular recurring revenues from solid waste collec�on, cable u�li�es, electric u�li�es, and natural gas u�li�es. Franchise fees stand at $5.4 million or 89% of budget. This is due to the final one-�me Waste Management waste hauler reten�on payment of $4.0 million received in July 2022. These funds have been commited by the City Council towards the Police Sta�on Construc�on reserve. Regular and recurring franchise fee payments total $1.4 million. Licenses, Fees, and Permits – Unlike tax revenues, this category of revenue is received on a daily basis at the city’s front counter and is comprised of construc�on, planning, building permits and fees, and business registra�on. Overall, this category is at $1.5 million or 61% of budget. Contracted services and employee wages drive the fees charged to private developers for engineering, planning, and building fees. Within the category, specific divisions and types of fees performed differently during the first quarter. Building developer fees appear on trend; actuals are at 75% of budget. Legal developer fees are trending below budget at 47%. Similar to legal, planning and engineering developer fees are performing below trend; actuals are at 42% and 51% respec�vely. Passport services also exceed budget projec�ons at 109%; passport service demand increased significantly during the pandemic and has con�nued at or above the pre-pandemic levels. Business registra�on fees are also higher than expected at 107% of budget. Intergovernmental – This category is populated by the Vehicle License in Lieu fees (VLF). VLF revenues are typically received in the last six months of the fiscal year, 50% within quarter three and the final 50% in quarter four. As a result, actuals stand at 52% or $3.0 million. Use of Money and Property – This category is populated investment income. Budget was increased at Mid-Year to $1.5 million and actuals are $1.8 million, or 121% of budget. The city’s por�olio con�nues to generate investment returns that exceed the budgeted trends. Transfers In – This category stands at $5,165. The category consists of transfers-in to the General Fund from other funds. Transfers include the $293,075 for the city’s cost alloca�on plan (CAP). The CAP is an administra�ve charge to other funds Executive Summary City of Eastvale UNAUDITED Fiscal Year 2022-23 Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months, 70% Reported City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 5 to help fund the cost of General Fund internal services such as informa�on technology, finance, and human resources. Transfers will be finalized before interim audit begins in June. Overall, General Fund revenues are $42,946,697 or 66% of budget. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Detail Information on General Fund Sales and Property Tax Revenue Categories Sales Tax: Sales tax is the number one revenue source for the General Fund. For every dollar of sales tax paid, only $0.13 is received by the City of Eastvale. The other $0.87 goes to the State General Fund ($0.51), the State Local Revenue Fund ($0.14), Riverside County Transporta�on Commission ($0.06), a State Local Revenue Fund specific to local health and social services programs ($0.06), State Local Public Safety Fund ($0.06), and the Riverside County Transporta�on Fund ($0.03). For more informa�on on what agencies receive sales tax revenue go to: www.cd�a.ca.gov/taxes-and-fees/sut-rates-descrip�on.htm Property Tax: Property tax is the number four largest revenue source for the city’s General Fund and is the number one revenue source for the city’s Fire Fund. However, like sales tax every dollar of base property tax that a property owner pays only $0.02 is received by the city’s General Fund; another $0.06 is received by the city’s Fire Fund. Over $0.51 goes towards educa�on to the Corona Norco Unified School district, Riverside Community College, and Riverside County Office of Educa�on. Riverside County receives $0.29. The remaining $0.04 goes to several special districts and flood control administra�on. The property tax revenues received by the Fire Fund are restricted to Fire Services expenditures. This breakdown of costs is only for the base property tax rate. Many Eastvale residents also pay levies for special assessments, including special financing districts, such as landscape ligh�ng maintenance districts and community facility districts. For more informa�on about special financing districts in Eastvale go to: www.eastvaleca.gov/government/ finance- department/special-financing-districts $0.51 State General Fund $0.14 State Local Revenue Fund $0.13 EASTVALE $0.06 RIVCO RCTC $0.06 State Local Rev $0.06 State Local Safety $0.03 RIVCO Transporta�on For every $1 of paid sales tax, only 13 cents come back to the city. The remainder is spread among State and County agencies. Executive Summary City of Eastvale UNAUDITED Fiscal Year 2022-23 Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months, 70% Reported City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 6 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES A comparison of the adjusted budget to actual expenditures provides an overview of how actual expenditures compare to the city’s budget. Overall, actual expenditures are $13,670,194 or 32% of budget. Detail of Specific Expenditure Categories Contract Services – This category is the largest category and includes contracted services for law enforcement, building and safety, planning, and public works. Currently, actual expenditures for the total contract category are $7.2 million or 42% of budget; total budget for this category is $17.1 million. The largest expenditure within this category is the Law Enforcement contract with Riverside County Sheriff; budget for law enforcement totals $13.0 million. As of the end of the quarter, invoices for law enforcement services have only been received and paid through December. Other major contracts in this category are animal control, crossing guards, legal services, and support services for all major departments. Many invoices for services have not been processed as of March 31; as a result, this category appears unusually low. Personnel – The personnel category contains the salary and benefit costs for city employees. This category generated actual expenditures at $4.2 million or 53% of budget. Staff expects to see savings in this category due to new posi�ons remaining vacant during recruitment for all or por�ons of the first three quarters, including three building inspector posi�ons that remained vacant for the en�re prior fiscal year, a support posi�on in Community Development, an analyst posi�on in Human Resources and several posi�ons in Finance. The savings specific to the Building and Community Development will be u�lized to offset contract services in those departments due to the need to contract for services while the posi�ons remained vacant. Opera�ons – Opera�ons is a broad category including supplies, adver�sing, travel, training, u�li�es, postage, and janitorial. Actual expenditures in this category are 630,986 or 15% of budget. This is due to a Government Accoun�ng Standards Board (GASB) required accoun�ng entry totaling $1.3 million from the prior year that recognizes the difference in the book and market value of investments, known as unrealized gain or loss. Net of the entry, opera�ons stand at $1.9 million or 47% of budget. Capital Outlay – Capital outlay consists of office equipment, computer hardware, so�ware, furniture, and fixtures with a cost greater than $5,000. This category is at $22,624 or 25% of budget. This category does not follow a typical fiscal year trend, as these purchases are typically one-�me in nature. Debt Service – Debt service in the General Fund accounts for the revenue neutrality agreement with Riverside County. The agreement was based on es�mated tax revenue losses experienced by Riverside County as a result of the city’s incorpora�on; the obliga�on is paid to Riverside County through both the General Fund and the Fire Fund. The County invoices the city towards the end of the fiscal year, as a result, actuals stand at zero. Transfers-Out – The transfers-out category in the General Fund accounts for the movement of cash from the General Fund to another fund. Budget includes $9.0 million in transfers out to the General Capital Improvement Fund, $1.3 million for capital maintenance reserves, and $31,370 for General Fund benefit contribu�ons for several Landscape and Ligh�ng Contract Services 41% Transfers Out 29% Personnel 19% Operations10% Debt Service 1% Maintenance 1% Capital Outlay 0% Expenditure Budget Breakdown Executive Summary City of Eastvale UNAUDITED Fiscal Year 2022-23 Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months, 70% Reported City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 7 Maintenance Districts and one Benefit Assessment District. This benefit contribu�on and the capital maintenance reserve contribu�ons are the only opera�ng transfers within the category. Overall, General Fund expenditures are $13,627,629 or 41% of expenditure budget. GENERAL FUND OPERATING STATEMENT General Fund Operating Statement - The General Fund is currently expected to generate $29,354,435 in operating revenues and $30,006,303 in operating expenditures. Operating expenditure exceeds revenues and as a result, the General Fund has an operating deficit of $651,868, however a non- operating surplus is available to cover the deficit. Staff is currently working on determining what percentage of the non-operating revenues are likely to continue into the future, this will likely change the operating deficit into a surplus. On the non-operating side, $35,375,000 in non-operating revenues and $12,099,936 in non-operating expenditures are budgeted. Non-operating revenues exceed expenditures and as a result, the General Fund has a non-operating surplus of $23,275,064 and the city is utilizing these non-operating revenues to support operating costs. Non-operating revenues are comprised of three sources of revenue, sales tax, franchise fees, and interest. The sales tax revenue represents a local business in the business and industry category that changed business structure and as a result county pool sales tax was redistributed to host cities. At this time, staff considers this sales tax source as one-time and non-operating in nature as the stability of the revenue is unknown. As a result, the revenue will be set aside for future capital improvement projects, such as the city’s civic center development at the Leal Property. The franchise fees represent a one-time waste hauler retention payment. Non- operating expenditures consist of unrealized losses on the city’s investments, totaling $1.3 million. This entry will be reversed as of July 1, 2022, and have no material impact to the city’s cash on hand, however the entry will be reflected on the city’s financial statements. As of March 31, total net revenue and budget surplus is $29,276,503. FIRE FUND OBSERVATIONS The city’s Fire Fund contains all revenues and expenditures related to the provision of fire services in the city. The Fire Fund is considered General Fund monies; however, it has been restricted by Riverside County through the city’s revenue neutrality agreement and therefore is separated from the city’s unrestricted General Fund. Revenues – Major Fire Fund revenue sources include property tax, licenses, permits, and fees, and use of money and property. Property tax, like the General Fund is primarily received in the second half of the fiscal year. Property tax is currently at 61% of budget or $4.8 million. Property tax is the largest single source of revenue for the Fire Fund. Licenses, permits, and fees are 39% of budget, primarily due to a decrease in fire plan check permits. Investment income populates the category of use of money and property. Budget was es�mated at $100,000 and actuals are $267,690 or 268% of budget. Overall, Fire Fund revenues are 64% of budget. General Fund Operating Statement as of 03/31/2023 Operating Revenue Actuals 18,862,697 Operating Expenditure Actuals 13,627,629 Operating Surplus 5,235,428 Non-Operating Revenue Actuals 24,084,000 Non-Operating Expenditure Actuals 42,925 Non-Operating Surplus 24,041,075 Net Revenue 29,276,503 Fire Fund Overview 6-Months Ended March 31, 2023 General Fund Overview Adjusted Budget Actual Ac�vity % Revenues 8,008,000 5,086,056 64% Expenditures 7,702,608 1,406,880 18% Surplus (Deficit) 305,392 3,679,175 Executive Summary City of Eastvale UNAUDITED Fiscal Year 2022-23 Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months, 70% Reported City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 8 Expenditures – Only the first quarter invoice for Riverside County Fire contract services has been received as of the end of the third quarter. As a result, contract services are $1.5 million or 21% of budget. Riverside County Fire have reported an es�mated 6% increase in contract costs for the current year. The increase is due to labor nego�a�ons and a resul�ng reduc�on in the hours worked by safety staff. This will cause a need for addi�onal staff and a subsequent increase in contract costs. Addi�onally, CalFIRE staff will receive cost of living increases retroac�ve to the start of the fiscal year. Maintenance and opera�ons actuals are 35% and (75%) respec�vely. Maintenance and opera�ons include building maintenance, vehicle maintenance and fuel, and u�li�es. Actual expenditures in the opera�ons category are ($164,487) or (75%) of budget. This is due to a Government Accoun�ng Standards Board (GASB) required accoun�ng entry totaling $241,817 from the prior year that recognizes the difference in the book and market value of investments, known as unrealized gain or loss. Net of the entry, opera�ons stand at $77,330 or 35% of budget. Overall, the Fire Fund is at $1,648,697 or 21% of expenditure budget, mostly due to the second and third quarter fire services invoices remains outstanding and the required GASB entry. Net Revenue – The Fire Fund is currently projected to complete the fiscal year with $305,392 in net revenue, also called a budget surplus, for the fiscal year 2022-23. OTHER FUND OBSERVATIONS The city’s other funds consist of governmental special revenue funds and six funds solely consis�ng of General Fund contribu�ons, the Capital Projects Fund, the Debt Service Fund, and four capital replacement reserve funds. These funds were created in order to track capital projects funded by the General Fund and debt. MAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Capital Projects Fund – This fund was considered a major fund for the 2021-22 financial audit. Revenues are solely from the General Fund and the purpose of the fund is to track specific one-�me general-fund capital improvement projects. The fund holds adequate fund balance to cover budgeted expenditures and does not build fund balance over �me. Major projects for the fiscal year include the Limonite Gap Bridge, I-15 Corridor Landscaping Improvement, Prado Dam Inunda�on U�lity Mi�ga�on, Hamner Place Beau�fica�on, Civic Center Design, and Citrus Property Modular Offices. NEGATIVE FUND BALANCE IN SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Several special revenue funds currently have and are projected to complete the year with a nega�ve fund balance. According to GASB requirements the General Fund will be required to cover those nega�ve fund balances at the end of the fiscal year. Gas Tax is projected to complete the fiscal year with a nega�ve fund balance, this was a Capital Improvement Plan over-budge�ng error that will be corrected during the mid-year process. The TDA fund is also projected to finish the fiscal year with a nega�ve fund balance. During the audit process, Finance staff discovered that TDA projects and funding were incorrectly budgeted in the Miscellaneous Grants Fund. A correc�on will be processed during the Mid- Year process. The Miscellaneous Grants Fund is projected to have a significant nega�ve fund balance of $11.4 million. This fund is reimbursed in two ways, progress payments at certain milestone points during projects or a�er projects are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2020-21 Actuals 2021-22 Actuals 2022-23 Budget 2022-23 ActualsTo-DateMillionsYear-by-Year Revenue and Expenditures Revenue Expenditure Executive Summary City of Eastvale UNAUDITED Fiscal Year 2022-23 Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months, 70% Reported City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 9 completed. Currently, the fund has outstanding milestone and completed project reimbursements. Public Works is working on submi�ng reimbursement requests. The TUMF Reimbursement Fund has a comparable situa�on as the Miscellaneous Grants Fund and the city is wai�ng to receive reimbursements. The city transferred over 88 ligh�ng maintenance districts and illumina�on districts from Jurupa Community Services District in the current fiscal year and several of those districts arrived with nega�ve fund balance. The city’s consultant is working on the budget for the 2023- 24 fiscal year that may help to bring these funds into a posi�ve fund balance. The General Fund will contribute to those funds to cover the nega�ve fund balance. LONG RANGE PLANNING City staff regularly update the city’s long term planning model to ensure fiscal sustainability into the foreseeable future. Staff spends considerable �me preparing long range forecasts during the budget process. However, as the year progresses strategic plan ac�vi�es, opera�onal changes, capital improvement plan adjustments, and economic impacts can affect the forecasts created during the budget process. This sec�on is intended to update the reader on any known ac�vi�es that will affect the city’s long-range plans. FIVE YEAR GENERAL FUND FORECAST The forecast for the General Fund has not significantly changed since the budget was adopted in June 2022. However, at this �me, staff is s�ll working on upda�ng the long-range plan with clearer financial planning objec�ves for the Civic Center capital improvement project. Opera�ng revenues are projected to increase from $33.1 million to $38.1 million from year one to year five. Assuming no major changes to the city’s organiza�onal structure or program and service offerings, the opera�ng expenditure budget is projected to increase from $35.5 million to $41.2 million. The opera�ng budget will produce a budget deficit of $2.0 to $3.0 million annually for the next five years; however staff is working on calcula�ng a reasonable amount of non-opera�ng revenues that should be considered regular opera�ng revenues. As a result, this deficit will likely turn into a surplus. Non-opera�ng revenues are projected to increase over the next five years and the budget surplus is es�mated at $26.9 million to $30.0 million over the next five years. The model should be updated with new five-year Capital Improvement Plan and Civic Center expenditures before the end of the current fiscal year. A Note Regarding Government Accounting and Budgeting Most agencies manage governmental funds and budgets using a method called “modified accrual” accoun�ng. Modified accrual means that governmental funds are managed on a cash basis throughout the year. At year-end accruals are processed to ensure revenues and expenditures are recorded in the appropriate fiscal year in which the transac�ons actually occurred. This method applies to all the city’s funds (General Fund and Special Revenue funds). As an illustra�on, revenue is recorded as it is received throughout the fiscal year (cash basis). The majority of General Fund revenues are received sporadically throughout the year, and most is received or accrued in the final nine months of the fiscal year. Meanwhile, expenditures con�nue each month, regardless of whether revenues have been received. This circumstance highlights the importance of maintaining an adequate opera�ng reserve that allows for cash flow needs throughout the fiscal year, especially during months in which some revenues categories are not received. CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months General Fund Summary by Category Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 GENERAL FUND Revenues Property Taxes 3,526,028$ 3,662,139$ 3,609,500$ 2,434,095$ 67%(1,175,405)$ Sales & Use Tax 28,120,058 44,710,286 44,000,000 28,224,337 64%(15,775,663) Franchise Fees 5,937,579 1,971,912 6,073,000 5,380,661 89%(692,339) Property Transfer Tax - - - - 0 - License, Permits & Fees 2,885,193 2,333,526 2,507,800 1,526,583 61%(981,217) Fines, Penalties & Forfeitures 583,856 567,641 596,000 406,263 68%(189,737) Intergovernmental 5,804,854 6,367,511 5,725,000 2,986,630 52%(2,738,370) Use of Money & Property 1,102,678 151,235 1,500,000 1,818,547 121%318,547 Miscellaneous 237,295 772,062 425,060 164,416 39%(260,644) Transfers In 17,886 7,417,458 293,075 5,165 2%(287,910) Total General Fund Revenues 48,215,427 67,953,770 64,729,435 42,946,697 66%(21,782,738) Expenditures Salaries 2,638,858$ 3,824,393$ 5,836,000$ 3,239,871$ 56%(2,596,129)$ Benefits 1,081,273 1,356,725 2,125,230 1,008,756 47%(1,116,474) Contract Services 12,106,951 13,945,325 17,077,775 7,176,669 42%(9,901,107) Maintenance 105,619 205,290 423,273 238,739 56%(184,534) Operations 2,648,133 4,497,708 4,143,597 630,986 15%(3,512,612) Capital Outlay 242,536 187,826 90,957 22,624 25%(68,333) Debt Service 1,130,459 3,109,421 278,100 - 0%(278,100) Transfers Out 1,989,214 6,597,427 12,131,306 1,352,550 11%(10,778,756) Total General Fund Expenditures 21,943,042 33,724,114 42,106,239 13,670,194 32%(28,436,045) NET REVENUE 26,272,385 34,229,656 22,623,196 29,276,503 OTHER PURPOSE GENERAL FUNDSRESTRICTED STRUCTURAL FIRE FUND Revenues Property Taxes (Restricted for Fire Services)7,289,292$ 7,601,854$ 7,785,000$ 4,775,136$ 61%(3,009,864)$ Sales & Use Tax - - - - 0 - Franchise Fees - - - - 0 - Other Taxes - - - - 0 - License, Permits & Fees 154,718 94,451 110,000 43,229 39%(66,771) Fines, Penalties & Forfeitures 25,979 - 13,000 - 0%(13,000) Intergovernmental - - - - 0 - Use of Money & Property 2,927 (1,616) 100,000 267,690 268%167,690 Miscellaneous - - - - 0 - Transfers 167,660 - - - 0 - Total Fire Fund Revenues 7,640,575 7,694,689 8,008,000 5,086,056 64%(2,921,944) Expenditures Salaries 797$ 808$ -$ -$ 0 -$ Benefits 107 - - - 0 - Contract Services 5,463,946 5,654,282 7,032,908 1,502,910 21%(5,529,998) Maintenance 52,275 56,463 120,000 42,364 35%(77,636) Operations 78,136 447,634 219,600 (164,487) -75%(384,087) Capital Outlay - 38,200 52,000 26,094 50%(25,906) Debt Service 252,432 262,228 278,100 - 0%(278,100) Transfers Out - - - - 0 - Total General Fund Expenditures 5,847,693 6,459,615 7,702,608 1,406,880 18%(6,295,728) NET REVENUE 1,792,882 1,235,074 305,392 3,679,175 % Budget Used City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 10 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months General Fund Summary by Departments Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 GENERAL FUND Revenues General Services Non Departmental 44,774,936$ 65,076,959$ 61,680,635$ 41,039,122$ 67%(20,641,513)$ City Clerk 42,702 54,411 48,150 52,614 109%4,464 City Manager 6,056 10,258 - - 0%- Finance 160,501 126,297 90,150 96,122 107%5,972 General Government - - - - 0%- City Attorney 23,730 80,205 48,000 22,652 47%(25,348) Subtotal General Services 45,007,925 65,348,130 61,866,935 41,210,510 67%(20,656,425) Community Development Community Development 203,612$ 209,777$ 202,000$ 85,168$ 42%(116,832)$ Subtotal Community Development 203,612 209,777 202,000 85,168 42%(116,832) Public Works Public Works 214,998$ 854,409$ 1,035,000$ 529,307$ 51%(505,693)$ Subtotal Community Safety 214,998 854,409 1,035,000 529,307 51%(505,693) Community Safety Community Safety 2,154,008$ 905,318$ 985,000$ 740,696$ 75%(244,304)$ Subtotal Community Safety 2,154,008 905,318 985,000 740,696 75%(244,304) Public Safety Public Safety 634,885$ 636,137$ 640,500$ 381,016$ 59%(259,484)$ Subtotal Public Safety 634,885 636,137 640,500 381,016 59%(259,484) Total General Fund Revenues 48,215,427 67,953,770 64,729,435 42,946,697 66%(21,277,045) Expenditures General Services 100 City Council 133,393$ 224,419$ 152,570$ 105,096$ 69%(47,474)$ 110 City Attorney 299,975 317,860 352,400 197,769 56%(154,631) 290 General Government 3,535,350 11,394,573 13,107,836 163,739 1%(12,944,097) Subtotal General Services 3,968,718 11,936,851 13,612,806 466,605 3%(13,146,201) City Manager 200 City Manager 613,963$ 609,470$ 564,700$ 360,748$ 64%(203,952) Subtotal City Manager 613,963 609,470 564,700 360,748 64%(203,952) Human Resources & Risk 220 Talent Attraction and Development 485,963$ 651,178$ 873,115$ 363,899$ 42%(509,216) 230 Risk Management 164,653 386,678 388,200 388,154 100%(46) Subtotal Human Resources & Risk 650,616 1,037,856 1,261,315 752,053 60%(509,262) City Clerk/Communications 120 City Clerk 420,701$ 444,667$ 589,012$ 348,757$ 59%(240,255) 240 Information Technology 411,918 304,454 337,330 127,764 38%(209,566) 260 Communications 253,125 244,365 355,250 213,004 60%(142,246) 720 Events - 682,857 912,039 741,493 81%(170,546) Subtotal City Clerk/Communication 1,085,745 1,676,343 2,193,630 1,431,018 65%(762,612) Finance 210 Finance 708,666$ 910,324$ 1,360,115$ 715,541$ 53%(644,574) Subtotal Finance 708,666 910,324 1,360,115 715,541 53%(644,574) Community Development % Budget Used City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 11 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months General Fund Summary by Departments Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 % Budget Used 301 Administration 562,236$ 1,108,869$ 1,947,910$ 798,673$ 41%(1,149,237)$ 300 Planning 541,489 610,794 947,210 462,082 49%(485,128) Subtotal Community Development 1,103,725 1,719,663 2,895,120 1,260,755 44%(1,634,365) Public Works 320 Engineering 504,724$ 1,447,314$ 2,302,790$ 918,266$ 40%(1,384,524) 500 Public Works 415,553 368,711 733,691 83,140 11%(650,551) 295 Facility Maintenance 357,011 467,728 566,432 392,847 69%(173,584) 296 Facility Landscaping - - 162,850 134,608 83%(28,242) 600 Landscaping (public right-of-way)- 1,074 - - 0%- Subtotal Community Development 1,277,288 2,284,828 3,765,763 1,528,862 41%(2,236,900) Community Safety 311 Administration -$ 19,679$ 462,730$ 201,904$ 44%(260,826)$ 310 Building Safety 2,122,378 1,337,997 1,550,150 691,286 45%(858,864) 330 Community Enhancement & Safety 663,285 764,036 1,035,460 555,172 54%(480,288) Subtotal Community Safety 2,785,663 2,121,711 3,048,340 1,448,363 48%(1,599,977) Public Safety 400 Law Enforcement 9,557,446$ 11,097,700$ 12,966,390$ 5,463,734$ 42%(7,502,656)$ 430 Animal Control 167,648 233,268 336,000 191,321 57%(144,679) 440 Crossing Guards 23,563 96,099 102,060 51,194 50%(50,866) Subtotal Public Safety 9,748,658 11,427,066 13,404,450 5,706,249 43%(7,698,201) Total General Fund Expenditures 21,943,042 33,724,114 42,106,239 13,670,194 32%(28,436,045) TOTAL NET REVENUE 26,272,385 34,229,656 22,623,196 29,276,503 OTHER PURPOSE GENERAL FUNDS RESTRICTED STRUCTURAL FIRE FUND Revenues Property Taxes (Restricted for Fire Serv 7,289,292$ 7,601,854$ 7,785,000$ 4,775,136$ 61%(3,009,864)$ Sales & Use Tax - - - - 0%- Franchise Fees - - - - 0%- Other Taxes - - - - 0%- License, Permits & Fees 154,718 94,451 110,000 43,229 39%(66,771) Fines, Penalties & Forfeitures 25,979 - 13,000 - 0%(13,000) Intergovernmental - - - - 0%- Use of Money & Property 2,927 (1,616) 100,000 267,690 268%167,690 Miscellaneous - - - - 0%- Transfers 167,660 - - - 0%- Total Fire Fund Revenues 7,640,575 7,694,689 8,008,000 5,086,056 64%(2,921,944) Expenditures Public Safety 290 General Government 253,044$ 504,045$ 278,100$ (241,817)$ -87%(519,917)$ 295 Building Maintenance 15,032 184,581 173,100 95,997 55%(77,103) 296 Landscaping - - 66,408 14,929 22%(51,479) 320 Engineering 256 808 - - 0%- 420 Fire Services 5,579,360 5,770,182 7,185,000 1,537,771 21%(5,647,229) Total Fire Fund Expenditures 5,847,693 6,459,615 7,702,608 1,406,880 18%(6,295,728) TOTAL FIRE FUND NET REVENUE 1,792,882 1,235,074 305,392 3,679,175 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 12 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months General Fund Operating Summary Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 GENERAL FUND Operating Revenues Property Taxes 3,526,028$ 3,662,139$ 3,609,500$ 2,434,095$ 67%(1,175,405)$ Sales & Use Tax 11,620,058 11,910,286 13,600,000 8,764,337 64%(4,835,663) Franchise Fees $1,937,579 1,971,912 2,073,000 1,380,661 67%(692,339) Property Transfer Tax - - - - 0 - License, Permits & Fees 2,885,193 2,333,526 2,507,800 1,526,583 61%(981,217) Fines, Penalties & Forfeitures 583,856 567,641 596,000 406,263 68%(189,737) Intergovernmental 5,804,854 6,367,511 5,725,000 2,986,630 52%(2,738,370) Use of Money & Property 1,864,309 172,785 525,000 1,194,547 228%669,547 Miscellaneous (719,323) 772,062 425,060 164,416 39%(260,644) Transfers In 17,886 57,239 293,075 5,165 2%(287,910) Total General Fund Operating Revenues 27,520,440 27,815,101 29,354,435 18,862,697 64%(10,491,738) Operating Expenditures Salaries 2,638,858$ 3,824,393$ 5,836,000$ 3,239,871$ 56%(2,596,129)$ Benefits 1,081,273 1,356,725 2,125,230 1,008,756 47%(1,116,474) Contract Services 12,106,951 13,945,325 17,077,775 7,176,669 42%(9,901,107) Maintenance 105,619 205,290 423,273 238,739 56%(184,534) Operations 2,648,133 3,192,633 4,143,597 1,938,061 47%(2,205,537) Capital Outlay (714,082) 187,826 90,957 22,624 25%(68,333) Debt Service 1,130,459 1,250,371 278,100 - 0%(278,100) Transfers Out 466,884 735,475 31,370 2,550 8%(28,820) Total General Fund Expenditures 19,464,094 24,698,037 30,006,303 13,627,269 45%(16,379,034) NET OPERATING REVENUE 8,056,346 3,117,064 (651,868) 5,235,428 Non-Operating Revenues Sales Tax 16,500,000$ 32,800,000$ 30,400,000$ 19,460,000$ 64%(10,940,000) Franchise Fees (Retention Fees)4,000,000 - 4,000,000 4,000,000 100%-$ Use of Money and Property (Interest)384,586 975,000 624,000 64% Use of Money and Property (Unrealized Gain)(761,631) (406,136) - - 0%- Miscellaneous (GASB 87)956,618 - - - 0%- Transfers In (ARPA SLFRF)- 7,360,219 - - 0%- Total General Fund Non-Operating Revenues $20,694,987 40,138,669 35,375,000 24,084,000 68%(10,940,000) Non-Operating Expenditures Operations (Unrealized Loss)-$ 1,305,075$ -$ -$ 0%-$ Capital Outlay (GASB 87)956,618 - - - 0%- Debt Service (Tarpon Properties Payoff)- 1,859,050 - - 0%- Use of Money and Property (Unrealized Loss)- - - (1,307,075) 0% Transfers Out (Streetlight Payoff)2,330 3,808,933 - - 0%- Transfers Out (Capital Replacement Reserves)1,303,652 - 0%(1,303,652) Transfers Out (CIP)1,520,000 2,053,019 10,796,284 1,350,000 800%(9,446,284) Total General Fund Non-Operating Expenditures 2,478,948 9,026,077 12,099,936 42,925 0%(10,749,936) NET NON-OPERATING REVENUE 18,216,039 31,112,592 23,275,064 24,041,075 % Budget Used City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 13 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months General Fund Operating Summary Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 % Budget Used OTHER PURPOSE GENERAL FUNDS RESTRICTED STRUCTURAL FIRE FUND Operating Revenues Property Taxes (Restricted for Fire Services)7,289,292$ 7,601,854$ 7,785,000$ 4,775,136$ 61%(3,009,864)$ Sales & Use Tax - - - - 0 - Franchise Fees - - - - 0 - Other Taxes - - - - 0 - License, Permits & Fees 154,718 94,451 110,000 43,229 39%(66,771) Fines, Penalties & Forfeitures 25,979 - 13,000 - 0%(13,000) Intergovernmental - - - - 0 - Use of Money & Property 244,113 (1,616) 100,000 267,690 268%167,690 Miscellaneous - - - - 0 - Transfers (0) - - - 0 - Total Fire Fund Revenues 7,714,101 7,694,689 8,008,000 5,086,056 64%(2,921,944) Operating Expenditures Salaries 797$ 808$ -$ -$ 0 -$ Benefits 107 - - - 0 - Staff Development - - - - 0 - Contract Services 5,463,946 5,654,282 7,032,908 1,502,910 21%(5,529,998) Maintenance 52,275 56,463 120,000 42,364 35%(77,636) Operations 78,136 447,634 219,600 77,330 35%(142,270) Capital Outlay - 38,200 25,000 26,094 104%1,094 Debt Service 252,432 262,228 278,100 - 0%(278,100) Transfers Out - - - - 0 - Subtotal Fire Fund Expenditures 5,847,693 6,459,615 7,675,608 1,648,697 21%(6,026,911) NET OPERATING REVENUE 1,866,408 1,235,074 332,392 3,437,358 Non-Operating Revenues Use of Money and Property (Unrealized Gain)(241,186)$ - -$ 0%-$ Transfers In 167,660 - - 0%- Total Fire Fund Non-Operating Revenues (73,526) - - - 0%- Non-Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay (Vehicle Purchase)-$ -$ 27,000 -$ 0%(27,000)$ Unrealized Loss (Use of Money and Property)- - - (241,817) 0%(241,817) Total Fire Fund Non-Operating Expenditures - - 27,000 (241,817) -11%(268,817) NET NON-OPERATING REVENUE (73,526) - (27,000) (241,817) City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 14 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Other Funds Summary *Data includes transfers Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 OTHER FUNDS Revenues 200 Gas Tax 1,437,826$ 1,604,905$ 1,907,980$ 1,292,705$ 68%615,275$ 205 SB1 1,228,573 1,378,406 1,505,500 920,703 61%584,797 206 Area Drainage Plan (ADP)(2,060) (493) 8,000 14,165 177%(6,165) 210 Measure A 1,834,932 2,189,098 2,032,000 2,087,054 103%(55,054) 211 TDA Fund - - - - 0%- 220 AQMD 91,756 143,575 122,000 53,481 44%68,519 230 Grants: Law Enforcement Grants - - - - 0%- 240 Grants: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 432,400 668,027 7,793,400 328,978 4%7,464,422 241 Grants: Coronavirus Relief Fund 788,813 - - - 0%- 242 Grants: American Rescue Plan Act Fund - 7,360,219 3,680,109 - 0%3,680,109 243 Public, Educational, or Governmental Access Fund 515 2,188 1,400 761 54%639 250 Grants: Community Development Block Grant - - 165,000 - 0%165,000 260 Local Law Enforcement Services 157,695 165,428 160,000 125,955 79%34,045 270 TUMF Reimbursement Fund - - 4,050,000 - 0%4,050,000 290 Transportation DIF 115,440 119,761 432,000 440,102 102%(8,102) 291 Fire DIF 54,388 46,690 64,800 42,565 66%22,235 292 Public Facilities DIF 397,553 102,648 201,200 158,728 79%42,472 293 Road and Bridge Benefit District 84,487 454,300 30,000 146,743 489%(116,743) 300 LLMD 89-1 Zone 10 3,188 3,820 4,740 2,371 50%2,369 301 LLMD 89-1 Zone 33 (21,661) 1,171 1,720 378 22%1,342 302 LLMD 89-1 Zone 41 188,123 171,435 44,615 46,415 104%(1,800) 303 LLMD 89-1 Zone 79 2,367 2,593 1,380 949 69%431 304 LLMD 89-1 Zone 85 1,091 3,008 295 598 203%(303) 305 LLMD 89-1 Zone 111 25,513 23,997 22,140 13,472 61%8,668 306 LLMD 89-1 Zone 115 2,807 3,726 4,095 2,394 58%1,701 307 LLMD 89-1 Zone 116 8,553 8,031 7,130 4,327 61%2,803 308 LLMD 89-1 Zone 147 198 1,552 1,710 884 52%826 309 LLMD 89-1 Zone 151 6,393 7,659 9,510 6,579 69%2,931 310 LLMD 89-1 Zone 156 4,722 5,750 7,140 4,465 63%2,675 311 Benefit Assessment District 2014-2 4,776 12,563 10,988 2,206 20%8,782 312 LLMD 2014-1 3,781 19,499 17,794 1,979 11%15,815 313 LLMD 2014-3 3,313 8,489 6,904 1,381 20%5,523 314 LLMD 2014-4 2,078 6,850 5,864 920 16%4,944 315 Community Facilities District 2019-1 9,284 10,162 6,000 5,863 98%137 400 Community Facilities District 2017-1 73,612 74,687 35,320 21,816 62%13,504 401 Community Facilities District 2017-2 33,308 43,192 22,160 25,390 115%(3,230) 402 Community Facilities District 2020-1 72,863 73,498 36,100 64,222 178%(28,122) 403 LMD 98-2 ORIGINAL - 16,635 6,250 3,660 59%2,590 404 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 01/Zone A - 2,006 4,460 2,294 51%2,166 405 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 02/Zone B - 41,892 91,370 48,738 53%42,632 406 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 03/Zone C - 4,299 9,340 5,037 54%4,303 407 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 04/Zone D - 6,233 13,620 7,387 54%6,233 408 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 06/Zone F - 29,516 13,990 7,990 57%6,000 409 LMD 2001-1 Zone G - 1,862 - 551 0%(551) 410 LMD 2001-1 Zone S - 2,420 1,040 667 64%373 411 LMD 2001-1 Zone W - 20,337 1,260 7,607 604%(6,347) 412 LMD 2001-2 Zone A - 49,149 14,700 9,851 67%4,849 413 LMD 2001-2 Zone B - 26,356 17,320 5,601 32%11,719 414 LMD 2001-2 Zone C - 1,423 9,740 550 6%9,190 415 LMD 2001-2 Zone D - 17,303 1,050 3,701 352%(2,651) % Budget Used City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 15 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Other Funds Summary *Data includes transfers Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 % Budget Used 416 LMD 2001-2 Zone F - 3,128 6,440 904 14%5,536 417 LMD 2001-2 Zone G - 26,486 1,710 5,528 323%(3,818) 418 LMD 2001-2 Zone H - 39,891 9,590 8,439 88%1,151 419 LMD 2001-2 Zone J - 27,374 14,420 5,715 40%8,705 420 LMD 2001-2 Zone K 0 1,954 9,970 941 9%9,029 421 LMD 2001-2 Zone M - 2,315 1,710 971 57%739 422 LMD 2001-3 Zone A - 3,901 9,790 6,310 64%3,480 423 LMD 2001-3 Zone B - 3,372 7,300 3,794 52%3,506 424 LMD 2001-3 Zone C - 22,478 7,860 4,458 57%3,402 425 LMD 2001-3 Zone D - 45,713 16,280 9,365 58%6,915 426 LMD 2001-3 Zone E - 100,204 35,340 20,425 58%14,915 427 LMD 2001-3 Zone F - 38,201 13,600 7,959 59%5,641 428 LMD 2001-3 Zone G - 3,433 7,950 4,493 57%3,457 429 LMD 2001-3 Zone H - 15,451 5,650 3,299 58%2,351 430 LMD 2001-3 Zone I (0) 61,716 21,630 12,279 57%9,351 431 LMD 2001-3 Zone J - 17,644 6,390 3,607 56%2,783 432 LMD 2001-3 Zone K - 18,021 6,630 4,061 61%2,569 433 LMD 2001-3 Zone L - 19,057 7,070 4,186 59%2,884 434 LMD 2001-3 Zone M - 55,807 20,040 11,640 58%8,400 435 LMD 2001-3 Zone N - 40,800 17,900 9,887 55%8,013 436 LMD 2001-3 Zone O - 6,576 2,560 1,394 54%1,166 437 LMD 2001-3 Zone P - 38,497 13,520 8,322 62%5,198 438 LMD 2001-3 Zone Q - 15,405 5,580 3,284 59%2,297 439 LMD 2001-3 Zone R - 1,849 1,010 536 53%474 440 LMD 2001-3 Zone S 0 7,430 2,880 1,664 58%1,216 441 LMD 2001-3 Zone T - 57,013 19,620 11,171 57%8,449 442 LMD 2001-3 Zone U - 37,570 13,460 7,955 59%5,505 443 LMD 2001-3 Zone V - 63,337 21,820 12,385 57%9,435 444 LMD 2001-3 Zone W - 19,463 7,070 4,288 61%2,782 445 LMD 2001-3 Zone X - 5,519 2,210 1,293 58%917 446 LMD 2001-3 Zone Y - 9,212 3,460 1,981 57%1,479 447 LMD 2001-3 Zone Z - 10,185 3,810 2,268 60%1,542 448 LMD 2001-3 Zone AA - 6,467 2,520 1,560 62%960 449 LMD 2001-3 Zone BB - 6,006 2,290 1,281 56%1,009 450 LMD 2001-3 Zone CC - 23,574 8,570 4,895 57%3,675 451 LMD 2001-3 Zone DD - 50,873 18,070 10,329 57%7,741 452 LMD 2001-3 Zone EE - 24,752 9,070 5,544 61%3,526 453 LMD 2001-3 Zone FF - 30,391 11,090 6,424 58%4,666 454 LMD 2001-3 Zone GG - 15,382 5,630 3,264 58%2,366 455 LMD 2001-3 Zone HH - 12,334 4,570 2,664 58%1,906 456 LMD 2001-3 Zone II - 27,648 9,680 5,638 58%4,042 457 LMD 2001-3 Zone JJ - 4,943 1,990 1,079 54%911 458 LMD 2001-3 Zone KK - 2,842 1,460 868 59%592 459 LMD 2001-3 Zone LL - 10,721 3,900 2,283 59%1,617 460 LMD 2001-3 Zone MM - 8,137 3,280 1,876 57%1,404 461 LMD 2001-3 Zone NN - 19,085 6,840 4,015 59%2,825 462 LMD 2001-3 Zone OO - 18,826 6,750 3,884 58%2,866 463 LMD 2001-3 Zone PP - 22,147 7,820 4,750 61%3,070 464 LMD 2001-3 Zone QQ - 8,658 3,410 2,047 60%1,363 465 LMD 2001-3 Zone RR - 57,429 20,100 11,529 57%8,571 466 LMD 2001-3 Zone SS - 21,381 7,610 4,326 57%3,284 467 LMD 2001-3 Zone TT - 9,128 3,370 1,877 56%1,493 468 LMD 2001-3 Zone UU - 7,023 2,650 1,520 57%1,130 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 16 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Other Funds Summary *Data includes transfers Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 % Budget Used 469 LMD 2001-3 Zone VV - 5,921 2,300 1,346 59%954 470 LMD 2001-3 Zone WW - 24,592 8,980 5,579 62%3,401 471 LMD 2001-3 Zone XX - 3,489 1,870 1,261 67%609 472 LMD 2001-3 Zone YY - 27,233 9,870 6,057 61%3,813 473 LMD 2001-3 Zone ZZ - 11,014 4,160 2,557 61%1,603 474 LMD 2001-3 Zone AAA - 47,941 16,620 9,616 58%7,004 475 LMD 2001-3 Zone BBB - 30,674 10,830 6,115 56%4,715 476 LMD 2001-3 Zone CCC - 65,738 23,300 13,697 59%9,603 477 LMD 2001-3 Zone DDD - 56,233 19,510 11,085 57%8,425 478 LMD 2001-3 Zone EEE - 6,186 2,820 1,559 55%1,261 479 LMD 2001-3 Zone FFF - 54,497 18,750 11,160 60%7,590 480 LMD 2001-3 Zone GGG - 19,694 7,260 4,394 61%2,866 481 LMD 2001-3 Zone HHH - 828 2,160 1,282 59%878 482 LMD 2001-3 Zone III - 26,815 12,780 7,806 61%4,974 483 LMD 2001-3 Zone JJJ - 31,081 10,840 6,176 57%4,664 484 LMD 2001-3 Zone LLL - 6,082 2,870 8,947 312%(6,077) 485 LMD 2001-3 Zone MMM - 20,050 7,670 5,171 67%2,499 486 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 35 - 8,749 3,580 3,029 85%551 487 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 42 - 2,513 1,180 823 70%357 488 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 46 - 9,336 3,060 1,669 55%1,391 489 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 49 - 11,841 3,830 2,095 55%1,735 490 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 55 - 2,344 620 347 56%273 500 Debt Service 468,699 4,509,981 - - 0%- 600 Capital Projects 1,520,007 2,143,140 10,790,377 1,350,000 13%9,440,377 601 General Information Technology Capital Replacem - - 433,652 - 0%433,652 602 General Fleet Capital Replacement Fund - - 120,000 - 0%120,000 603 General Street Maintenance Capital Fund - - 500,000 - 0%500,000 604 General Facility Maintenance Capital Fund - - 250,000 - 0%250,000 700 Information Technology - - - - 0%- Total Other Fund Revenues 9,035,335 23,268,586 35,316,963 7,650,406 22%26,362,905 Expenditures 200 Gas Tax 4,240,697$ 1,994,824$ 4,769,892$ 617,450$ 13%4,152,442$ 205 SB1 1,334,718 1,721,552 1,545,000 5,422 0%1,539,578 206 Area Drainage Plan (ADP)487 17,322 300,000 (13,822) -5%313,822 210 Measure A 604,674 1,891,015 6,165,589 1,156,837 19%5,008,752 211 TDA Fund - 102,318 232,500 - 0%232,500 220 AQMD 25,430 123,899 114,444 2,613 2%111,831 230 Law Enforcement Grants - - - - 0%- 240 Grants: Miscellaneous Grants Fund 596,167 520,016 19,155,784 145,775 1%19,010,009 241 Grants: Coronavirus Relief Fund 788,813 - - - 0%- 242 Grants: American Rescue Plan Act Fund - 7,360,219 - - 0%- 243 Public, Educational, or Governmental Access Fund - - - - 0%- 250 Grants: Community Development Block Grant - - 196,130 - 0%196,130 260 Local Law Enforcement Services 157,746 165,428 - - 0%- 270 TUMF Reimbursement Fund 281,042 344,067 5,600,000 108,867 2%5,491,133 290 Transportation DIF 248,377 6,587 3,040 (6,587) -217%9,627 291 Fire DIF - 8,376 1,290 (8,376) -649%9,666 292 Public Facilities DIF 656,148 9,146 494,020 481,097 97%12,923 293 Road and Bridge Benefit District 160,802 229,679 5,000,000 (98,390) -2%5,098,390 300 LLMD 89-1 Zone 10 1,414 508 840 116 14%724 301 LLMD 89-1 Zone 33 334 425 525 (14) -3%539 302 LLMD 89-1 Zone 41 15,601 84,713 32,850 (18,356) -56%51,206 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 17 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Other Funds Summary *Data includes transfers Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 % Budget Used 303 LLMD 89-1 Zone 79 1,430 2,966 1,260 647 51%613 304 LLMD 89-1 Zone 85 151 1,174 220 (380) -173%600 305 LLMD 89-1 Zone 111 10,954 19,734 20,535 4,355 21%16,180 306 LLMD 89-1 Zone 115 7,143 12,838 7,160 5,760 80%1,400 307 LLMD 89-1 Zone 116 3,786 6,734 4,505 2,334 52%2,171 308 LLMD 89-1 Zone 147 3,026 4,315 2,510 2,700 108%(190) 309 LLMD 89-1 Zone 151 14,884 15,413 8,930 12,395 139%(3,465) 310 LLMD 89-1 Zone 156 8,991 10,803 6,900 6,818 99%82 311 Benefit Assessment District 2014-2 3,233 7,887 5,665 3,235 57%2,430 312 LLMD 2014-1 2,187 8,527 9,220 3,116 34%6,104 313 LLMD 2014-3 2,374 5,346 4,365 2,430 56%1,935 314 LLMD 2014-4 909 2,399 3,190 438 14%2,752 315 Community Facilities District 2019-1 3,208 3,840 3,120 2,370 76%750 400 Community Facilities District 2017-1 3,282 7,697 10,400 293 3%10,107 401 Community Facilities District 2017-2 17,709 20,518 42,692 13,954 33%28,738 402 Community Facilities District 2020-1 10,258 83,623 109,150 75,986 70%33,164 403 LMD 98-2 ORIGINAL - 1,698 7,669 2,117 28%5,552 404 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 01/Zone A - 4,197 5,531 1,635 30%3,896 405 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 02/Zone B - 28,806 61,172 18,021 29%43,151 406 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 03/Zone C - 4,028 11,948 3,377 28%8,571 407 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 04/Zone D - 8,607 15,762 4,422 28%11,340 408 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 06/Zone F - 2,892 12,969 3,478 27%9,491 409 LMD 2001-1 Zone G - 145 532 268 50%264 410 LMD 2001-1 Zone S - 336 1,363 566 42%797 411 LMD 2001-1 Zone W - 6,258 7,853 12,483 159%(4,630) 412 LMD 2001-2 Zone A - 3,342 25,028 6,040 24%18,987 413 LMD 2001-2 Zone B - 2,788 13,734 3,639 26%10,095 414 LMD 2001-2 Zone C - 130 2,407 451 19%1,956 415 LMD 2001-2 Zone D - 1,870 7,184 2,493 35%4,691 416 LMD 2001-2 Zone F - 528 3,227 749 23%2,479 417 LMD 2001-2 Zone G - 1,616 5,835 2,352 40%3,483 418 LMD 2001-2 Zone H - 4,696 19,327 6,116 32%13,212 419 LMD 2001-2 Zone J - 3,096 14,170 4,465 32%9,705 420 LMD 2001-2 Zone K - 841 2,412 2,093 87%319 421 LMD 2001-2 Zone M - 373 4,035 540 13%3,495 422 LMD 2001-3 Zone A - 18,822 7,713 2,106 27%5,607 423 LMD 2001-3 Zone B - 6,507 4,427 1,293 29%3,135 424 LMD 2001-3 Zone C - 1,011 4,196 1,180 28%3,016 425 LMD 2001-3 Zone D - 2,297 9,612 2,473 26%7,139 426 LMD 2001-3 Zone E - 5,080 21,198 5,356 25%15,842 427 LMD 2001-3 Zone F - 447 490 254 52%236 428 LMD 2001-3 Zone G - 2,379 6,435 1,867 29%4,568 429 LMD 2001-3 Zone H - 1,149 5,108 1,395 27%3,714 430 LMD 2001-3 Zone I - 5,857 26,329 6,706 25%19,623 431 LMD 2001-3 Zone J - 1,659 7,538 1,950 26%5,588 432 LMD 2001-3 Zone K - 2,579 11,976 3,170 26%8,806 433 LMD 2001-3 Zone L - 2,020 9,228 2,383 26%6,844 434 LMD 2001-3 Zone M - 3,567 15,429 3,478 23%11,951 435 LMD 2001-3 Zone N - 7,409 34,639 8,822 25%25,816 436 LMD 2001-3 Zone O - 319 1,423 414 29%1,009 437 LMD 2001-3 Zone P - 1,835 7,600 2,020 27%5,580 438 LMD 2001-3 Zone Q - 900 4,020 1,048 26%2,972 439 LMD 2001-3 Zone R - 221 1,119 346 31%772 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 18 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Other Funds Summary *Data includes transfers Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 % Budget Used 440 LMD 2001-3 Zone S - 359 1,560 483 31%1,077 441 LMD 2001-3 Zone T - 2,633 10,863 2,845 26%8,018 442 LMD 2001-3 Zone U - 1,964 8,284 9,294 112%(1,010) 443 LMD 2001-3 Zone V - 3,075 12,200 3,482 29%8,717 444 LMD 2001-3 Zone W - 1,058 4,247 1,332 31%2,915 445 LMD 2001-3 Zone X - 274 1,240 387 31%852 446 LMD 2001-3 Zone Y - 446 220 587 267%(367) 447 LMD 2001-3 Zone Z - 491 2,112 623 30%1,489 448 LMD 2001-3 Zone AA - 331 1,483 446 30%1,037 449 LMD 2001-3 Zone BB - 262 1,162 368 32%794 450 LMD 2001-3 Zone CC - 2,502 11,433 2,957 26%8,476 451 LMD 2001-3 Zone DD - 2,821 11,986 3,204 27%8,781 452 LMD 2001-3 Zone EE - 1,437 6,175 1,807 29%4,369 453 LMD 2001-3 Zone FF - 3,107 14,102 3,716 26%10,386 454 LMD 2001-3 Zone GG - 747 3,169 900 28%2,269 455 LMD 2001-3 Zone HH - 601 2,582 737 29%1,845 456 LMD 2001-3 Zone II - 1,279 5,314 1,470 28%3,843 457 LMD 2001-3 Zone JJ - 235 1,065 351 33%714 458 LMD 2001-3 Zone KK - 1,222 5,942 1,560 26%4,382 459 LMD 2001-3 Zone LL - 513 2,203 667 30%1,536 460 LMD 2001-3 Zone MM - 709 3,258 892 27%2,366 461 LMD 2001-3 Zone NN - 904 3,797 1,091 29%2,706 462 LMD 2001-3 Zone OO - 951 3,828 1,150 30%2,679 463 LMD 2001-3 Zone PP - 1,174 4,710 1,446 31%3,264 464 LMD 2001-3 Zone QQ - 461 2,047 568 28%1,479 465 LMD 2001-3 Zone RR - 2,837 11,853 3,027 26%8,825 466 LMD 2001-3 Zone SS - 1,027 4,301 1,253 29%3,048 467 LMD 2001-3 Zone TT - 521 2,295 705 31%1,590 468 LMD 2001-3 Zone UU - 305 1,342 401 30%940 469 LMD 2001-3 Zone VV - 366 1,658 506 31%1,152 470 LMD 2001-3 Zone WW - 1,231 5,176 1,433 28%3,743 471 LMD 2001-3 Zone XX - 342 1,436 1,064 74%372 472 LMD 2001-3 Zone YY - 2,722 12,332 3,172 26%9,160 473 LMD 2001-3 Zone ZZ - 536 2,301 639 28%1,662 474 LMD 2001-3 Zone AAA - 2,252 9,302 2,533 27%6,769 475 LMD 2001-3 Zone BBB - 1,610 6,845 1,878 27%4,967 476 LMD 2001-3 Zone CCC - 4,129 17,796 4,661 26%13,135 477 LMD 2001-3 Zone DDD - 2,857 11,973 3,283 27%8,690 478 LMD 2001-3 Zone EEE - 73 230 229 99%1 479 LMD 2001-3 Zone FFF - 2,621 10,977 2,723 25%8,254 480 LMD 2001-3 Zone GGG - 1,204 5,256 1,485 28%3,771 481 LMD 2001-3 Zone HHH - 2,030 2,900 1,134 39%1,767 482 LMD 2001-3 Zone III - 3,679 24,331 3,412 14%20,920 483 LMD 2001-3 Zone JJJ - 1,547 6,490 1,848 28%4,641 484 LMD 2001-3 Zone LLL - 7,900 3,102 1,128 36%1,974 485 LMD 2001-3 Zone MMM - 1,078 4,575 1,217 27%3,358 486 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 35 - 1,250 4,843 2,106 43%2,737 487 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 42 - 407 1,627 787 48%840 488 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 46 - 1,212 5,140 1,790 35%3,350 489 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 49 - 1,498 6,045 2,269 38%3,776 490 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 55 - 268 1,205 462 38%743 500 Debt Service 467,960 4,510,719 - - 0%- 600 Capital Projects 609,510 1,021,164 13,727,335 1,674,808 12%12,052,527 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 19 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Other Funds Summary *Data includes transfers Restated Audited Actuals Restated Unaudited Actuals Adjusted Budget Actuals Amount Over(Under) Budget Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 12/31/2022 2022-23 % Budget Used 601 General Information Technology Capital Replacem - - - - 0%- 602 General Fleet Capital Replacement Fund - - - - 0%- 603 General Street Maintenance Capital Fund - - - - 0%- 604 General Facility Maintenance Capital Fund - - - - 0%- 700 Information Technology - - - - 0%- Total Other Fund Expenditures 10,283,445 20,541,150 58,270,010 4,392,962 8%53,877,048 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 20 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Available Resources Summary Restated Audited Fund Balance Restated Unaudited Fund Balance Amended Revenue Budget Amended Expenditure Budget Estimated Available Balance Fund Name & Type 2020-21 2021-22 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 GENERAL FUNDS 100 General Fund 61,854,162$ 96,083,818$ 64,729,435$ 42,106,239$ 118,707,014$ TOTAL General Funds 61,854,162 96,083,818 64,729,435 42,106,239 118,707,014 OTHER PURPOSE GENERAL FUNDS 110 Restricted Structural Fire Fund 13,238,041$ 14,473,114$ 8,008,000$ 7,702,608$ 14,778,506$ TOTAL Other Purpose General Funds 13,238,041 14,473,114 8,008,000 7,702,608 14,778,506 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200 Gas Tax Fund 3,543,943$ 3,154,024$ 1,907,980$ 4,769,892$ 292,112$ 205 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Fund 1,143,195 800,050 1,505,500 1,545,000 760,550 206 Area Drainage Plan (ADP)903,503 885,689 8,000 300,000 593,689 210 Measure A Fund 4,350,543 4,648,626 2,032,000 6,165,589 515,037 211 TDA Fund - (102,318) - 232,500 (334,818) 220 Air Quality Management District 493,791 513,467 122,000 114,444 521,023 230 Law Enforcement Grants - - - - - 240 Grants: Miscellaneous Grants Fund (162,796) (14,784) 7,793,400 19,155,784 (11,377,168) 241 Grants: Coronavirus Relief Fund - - - - - 242 Grants: American Rescue Plan Act Fund - - 3,680,109 - 3,680,109 243 Public, Educational, or Governmental Access Fund - - - - - 250 Grants: Community Development Block Grant (7) (7) 165,000 196,130 (31,137) 260 Local Law Enforcement Services - - 160,000 - 160,000 270 TUMF Reimbursement Find (281,100) (625,167) 4,050,000 5,600,000 (2,175,167) 290 DIF Transportation Facilities Fund 310,602 423,775 432,000 3,040 852,735 291 DIF Fire Facilities Fund 500,518 538,832 64,800 1,290 602,342 292 DIF Public Facilities Fund 496,836 590,338 201,200 494,020 297,518 293 Road and Bridge Benefit District 6,445,412 6,670,033 30,000 5,000,000 1,700,033 300 LLMD 89-1 Zone 10 (7,381) (4,069) 4,740 840 (169) 301 LLMD 89-1 Zone 33 6,464 7,210 1,720 525 8,405 302 LLMD 89-1 Zone 41 1,701,381 1,788,103 44,615 32,850 1,799,868 303 LLMD 89-1 Zone 79 16,580 16,207 1,380 1,260 16,327 304 LLMD 89-1 Zone 85 28,766 30,600 295 220 30,675 305 LLMD 89-1 Zone 111 162,397 166,660 22,140 20,535 168,265 306 LLMD 89-1 Zone 115 (19,095) (28,207) 4,095 7,160 (31,272) 307 LLMD 89-1 Zone 116 59,745 61,041 7,130 4,505 63,666 308 LLMD 89-1 Zone 147 (3,448) (6,212) 1,710 2,510 (7,012) 309 LLMD 89-1 Zone 151 (43,000) (50,753) 9,510 8,930 (50,173) 310 LLMD 89-1 Zone 156 (17,467) (22,520) 7,140 6,900 (22,280) 311 Benefit Assessment District 2014-2 8,727 13,403 10,988 5,665 18,726 312 LLMD 2014-1 7,576 18,548 17,794 9,220 27,122 313 LLMD 2014-3 4,748 7,890 6,904 4,365 10,429 314 LLMD 2014-4 5,729 10,180 5,864 3,190 12,854 315 Community Facilities District 2019-1 (6,975) (654) 6,000 3,120 2,226 400 Community Facilities District 2017-1 188,809 255,799 35,320 10,400 280,719 401 Community Facilities District 2017-2 30,523 53,197 22,160 42,692 32,665 402 Community Facilities District 2020-1 62,605 52,480 36,100 109,150 (20,570) 403 LMD 98-2 ORIGINAL - 14,937 6,250 7,669 13,518 404 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 01/Zone A - (2,191) 4,460 5,531 (3,261) 405 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 02/Zone B - 13,087 91,370 61,172 43,285 406 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 03/Zone C - 272 9,340 11,948 (2,337) 407 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 04/Zone D - (2,374) 13,620 15,762 (4,517) 408 LMD 98-2 ANNEX 06/Zone F - 26,624 13,990 12,969 27,645 409 LMD 2001-1 Zone G - 1,717 - 532 1,185 410 LMD 2001-1 Zone S - 2,089 1,040 1,363 1,767 411 LMD 2001-1 Zone W - 14,079 1,260 7,853 7,486 412 LMD 2001-2 Zone A - 45,807 14,700 25,028 35,479 413 LMD 2001-2 Zone B - 23,568 17,320 13,734 27,154 414 LMD 2001-2 Zone C - 1,293 9,740 2,407 8,626 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 21 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Available Resources Summary Restated Audited Fund Balance Restated Unaudited Fund Balance Amended Revenue Budget Amended Expenditure Budget Estimated Available Balance Fund Name & Type 2020-21 2021-22 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 415 LMD 2001-2 Zone D - 15,432 1,050 7,184 9,298 416 LMD 2001-2 Zone F - 2,600 6,440 3,227 5,813 417 LMD 2001-2 Zone G - 24,870 1,710 5,835 20,745 418 LMD 2001-2 Zone H - 35,195 9,590 19,327 25,458 419 LMD 2001-2 Zone J - 24,278 14,420 14,170 24,527 420 LMD 2001-2 Zone K - 1,117 9,970 2,412 8,675 421 LMD 2001-2 Zone M - 1,942 1,710 4,035 (384) 422 LMD 2001-3 Zone A - (14,920) 9,790 7,713 (12,843) 423 LMD 2001-3 Zone B - (3,135) 7,300 4,427 (262) 424 LMD 2001-3 Zone C - 21,467 7,860 4,196 25,131 425 LMD 2001-3 Zone D - 43,417 16,280 9,612 50,084 426 LMD 2001-3 Zone E - 95,124 35,340 21,198 109,266 427 LMD 2001-3 Zone F - 37,754 13,600 490 50,864 428 LMD 2001-3 Zone G - 1,054 7,950 6,435 2,569 429 LMD 2001-3 Zone H - 14,303 5,650 5,108 14,844 430 LMD 2001-3 Zone I - 55,862 21,630 26,329 51,162 431 LMD 2001-3 Zone J - 15,985 6,390 7,538 14,836 432 LMD 2001-3 Zone K - 15,442 6,630 11,976 10,096 433 LMD 2001-3 Zone L - 17,038 7,070 9,228 14,880 434 LMD 2001-3 Zone M - 52,240 20,040 15,429 56,851 435 LMD 2001-3 Zone N - 33,391 17,900 34,639 16,652 436 LMD 2001-3 Zone O - 6,257 2,560 1,423 7,394 437 LMD 2001-3 Zone P - 36,662 13,520 7,600 42,582 438 LMD 2001-3 Zone Q - 14,505 5,580 4,020 16,065 439 LMD 2001-3 Zone R - 1,628 1,010 1,119 1,520 440 LMD 2001-3 Zone S - 7,075 2,880 1,560 8,395 441 LMD 2001-3 Zone T - 54,380 19,620 10,863 63,137 442 LMD 2001-3 Zone U - 35,606 13,460 8,284 40,782 443 LMD 2001-3 Zone V - 60,262 21,820 12,200 69,883 444 LMD 2001-3 Zone W - 18,405 7,070 4,247 21,228 445 LMD 2001-3 Zone X - 5,245 2,210 1,240 6,215 446 LMD 2001-3 Zone Y - 8,765 3,460 220 12,005 447 LMD 2001-3 Zone Z - 9,695 3,810 2,112 11,393 448 LMD 2001-3 Zone AA - 6,136 2,520 1,483 7,174 449 LMD 2001-3 Zone BB - 5,743 2,290 1,162 6,871 450 LMD 2001-3 Zone CC - 21,073 8,570 11,433 18,210 451 LMD 2001-3 Zone DD - 48,052 18,070 11,986 54,137 452 LMD 2001-3 Zone EE - 23,315 9,070 6,175 26,210 453 LMD 2001-3 Zone FF - 27,284 11,090 14,102 24,272 454 LMD 2001-3 Zone GG - 14,635 5,630 3,169 17,096 455 LMD 2001-3 Zone HH - 11,733 4,570 2,582 13,721 456 LMD 2001-3 Zone II - 26,369 9,680 5,314 30,735 457 LMD 2001-3 Zone JJ - 4,707 1,990 1,065 5,632 458 LMD 2001-3 Zone KK - 1,620 1,460 5,942 (2,863) 459 LMD 2001-3 Zone LL - 10,208 3,900 2,203 11,905 460 LMD 2001-3 Zone MM - 7,428 3,280 3,258 7,450 461 LMD 2001-3 Zone NN - 18,180 6,840 3,797 21,224 462 LMD 2001-3 Zone OO - 17,875 6,750 3,828 20,796 463 LMD 2001-3 Zone PP - 20,973 7,820 4,710 24,083 464 LMD 2001-3 Zone QQ - 8,196 3,410 2,047 9,560 465 LMD 2001-3 Zone RR - 54,592 20,100 11,853 62,839 466 LMD 2001-3 Zone SS - 20,354 7,610 4,301 23,663 467 LMD 2001-3 Zone TT - 8,607 3,370 2,295 9,682 468 LMD 2001-3 Zone UU - 6,717 2,650 1,342 8,026 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 22 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Available Resources Summary Restated Audited Fund Balance Restated Unaudited Fund Balance Amended Revenue Budget Amended Expenditure Budget Estimated Available Balance Fund Name & Type 2020-21 2021-22 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 469 LMD 2001-3 Zone VV - 5,555 2,300 1,658 6,196 470 LMD 2001-3 Zone WW - 23,361 8,980 5,176 27,164 471 LMD 2001-3 Zone XX - 3,147 1,870 1,436 3,581 472 LMD 2001-3 Zone YY - 24,511 9,870 12,332 22,050 473 LMD 2001-3 Zone ZZ - 10,479 4,160 2,301 12,337 474 LMD 2001-3 Zone AAA - 45,690 16,620 9,302 53,008 475 LMD 2001-3 Zone BBB - 29,064 10,830 6,845 33,049 476 LMD 2001-3 Zone CCC - 61,609 23,300 17,796 67,113 477 LMD 2001-3 Zone DDD - 53,376 19,510 11,973 60,913 478 LMD 2001-3 Zone EEE - 6,113 2,820 230 8,703 479 LMD 2001-3 Zone FFF - 51,876 18,750 10,977 59,649 480 LMD 2001-3 Zone GGG - 18,489 7,260 5,256 20,493 481 LMD 2001-3 Zone HHH - (1,202) 2,160 2,900 (1,942) 482 LMD 2001-3 Zone III - 23,136 12,780 24,331 11,585 483 LMD 2001-3 Zone JJJ - 29,534 10,840 6,490 33,885 484 LMD 2001-3 Zone LLL - (1,818) 2,870 3,102 (2,050) 485 LMD 2001-3 Zone MMM - 18,972 7,670 4,575 22,067 486 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 35 - 7,499 3,580 4,843 6,236 487 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 42 - 2,106 1,180 1,627 1,659 488 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 46 - 8,124 3,060 5,140 6,043 489 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 49 - 10,343 3,830 6,045 8,128 490 Illumination District No 2 Subarea 55 - 2,076 620 1,205 1,492 TOTAL Special Revenue Funds 19,931,122 21,535,146 23,221,534 44,542,675 214,005 DEBT SERVICE FUND 500 General Debt Service Fund 739$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL Debt Service Fund 739 - - - - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS 600 General Capital Projects Fund 1,786,981$ 2,908,958$ 10,790,377$ 13,727,335$ (28,000)$ 601 General Information Technology Capital Replaceme - - 433,652 - 433,652 602 General Fleet Capital Replacement Fund - - 120,000 - 120,000 603 General Street Maintenance Capital Fund - - 500,000 - 500,000 604 General Facility Maintenance Capital Fund - - 250,000 - 250,000 TOTAL Capital Projects Fund 1,786,981 2,908,958 12,094,029 13,727,335 1,275,652 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 700 Information Technology Reserve Fund - -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL Internal Service Funds - - - - - TOTAL 96,811,044$ 135,001,036$ 108,052,998$ 108,078,857$ 134,975,177$ GENERAL FUND - FUND BALANCE RESERVES AND COMMITMENTS Total General Fund Estimated Fund Balance at 03/31/2022 118,707,014$ Nonspendable (Per 06/30/2022 ACFR):Prepaid Items 260,181 Total Nonspendable Fund Balance 260,181 Assigned:Emergency Contingency (50% of Adopted Appropriations)15,003,151 Total Assigned Reserves 15,003,151 Committed: Facility Construction: Library 33,000,000 Facility Construction: City Hall 10,000,000 Facility Construction: Police Substation 8,000,000 Pension Liability (CalPERS Reserve)1,620,500 Public Safety Rate Increase Stabilization 1,000,000 53,620,500 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 23 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Available Resources Summary Restated Audited Fund Balance Restated Unaudited Fund Balance Amended Revenue Budget Amended Expenditure Budget Estimated Available Balance Fund Name & Type 2020-21 2021-22 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 3/31/2023 Committed Appropriations Limit Qualified Capital Outlay Reserve: General Fund: Facility Construction: Library - Appropriations Limit 23,945,429 General Fund: Facility Construction: City Hall - Appropriations Limit 17,595,000 General Fund: Equipment Purchase, Fire Truck - Appropriations Limit 1,500,000 General Fund: Facility Construction, Fire Station 27 Storage Facility - Appropriations Limit 2,000,000 45,040,429 Total General Funds Estimated Unassigned Fund Balance at 03/31/2022 5,042,934$ RESTRICTED STRUCTURAL FIRE FUND - FUND BALANCE RESERVES AND COMMITMENTS Total Fire Funds Estimated Fund Balance at 03/31/2022 14,473,114$ Assigned:Emergency Contingency (75% of Adopted Appropriations)5,756,706 Total Assigned Reserves 5,756,706 Committed: Facility Construction: Third Fire Station 8,000,000 Equipment Purchase: Apparatus Replacement Reserve 400,000 8,400,000 Total Fire Funds Estimated Unassigned Fund Balance at 03/31/2022 316,408$ Restricted by the County of Riverside (Per 09/30/2022 ACFR):Restricted Fund Balance 14,473,114 Total Restricted Fund Balance 14,473,114 **For the purpose of this schedule, fund balance is defined as revenues minus expenditures City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 24 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Assigned Reserve: Contingency Calculation Restated Audited Fund Balance Restated Unaudited Fund Balance Adjusted Revenue Budget Adjusted Expenditure Budget Estimated Available Balance Fund Name & Type 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 6/30/2023 GENERAL FUNDS 100 General Fund 61,854,162$ 96,083,818$ 64,729,435$ 42,106,239$ 118,707,014$ TOTAL General Funds 61,854,162 96,083,818 64,729,435 42,106,239 118,707,014 Assigned 50% Contingency Reserve Policy: 50% of Annual Budgeted Operating ExpendituresTotal Expenditures 42,106,239 Non-Operating Expenditures 12,099,936 Operating Expenditures 30,006,303 50% Reserve 15,003,151 OTHER PURPOSE GENERAL FUNDS 110 Restricted Structural Fire Fund 13,238,041$ 14,473,114$ 8,008,000$ 7,702,608$ 14,778,506$ TOTAL Other Purpose General Funds 13,238,041 14,473,114 8,008,000 7,702,608 14,778,506 Assigned 75% Contingency ReservePolicy: 75% of Annual Budgeted Operating ExpendituresTotal Expenditures 7,702,608 Non-Operating Expenditures 27,000 Operating Expenditures 7,675,608 75% Reserve 5,756,706 City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 25 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Appropriations Limit Summary Pre Voter Approved Override Voter Approved Override Post Voter Approved Override Post Voter Approved Override 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT Adopted Appropriations Limit 21,455,814$ 23,077,364$ 24,418,797$ 25,794,921$ 33,000,000$ 35,473,578$ 39,253,023$ Subject Revenue Appropriations General Fund 10,045,447 15,809,535 17,472,985 17,952,129 41,516,698 54,973,760 53,493,923 Fire Fund 5,055,030 5,346,150 6,285,042 6,406,287 6,406,287 7,298,931 7,785,000 Total Subject Revenue Appropriation 15,100,477 21,155,685 23,758,027 24,358,416 47,922,985 62,272,691 61,278,923 Over(Under) Limit (6,355,337)(1,921,679)(660,770)(1,436,505)14,922,985 26,799,113 22,025,900 Annual Available for Capital Outlay 14,922,985 26,799,113 22,025,900 Cumulative Available for Capital Outlay 41,722,098 22,025,900 Cumulative Available for Capital Outlay Expenditures and Reserves 41,722,098 22,025,900 FY2021-22 Adopted Capital Outlay Reserve Commitments General Fund: Facility Construction City Hall - Appropriations Limit 18,399,529 General Fund: Facility Construction Library - Appropriations Limit 10,595,000 General Fund: Limonite Gap Bridge - Appropriations Limit 2,500,000 General Fund: Equipment, Fire Truck Purchase - Appropriations Limit 1,500,000 General Fund: Facility, Fire Station 27 Storage Facility - Appropriations Limit 2,000,000 Subtotal Capital Outlay Reserve Commitments 34,994,529 FY2021-22 Adopted Capital Outlay Expenditures Streetlight Debt Pay-Off - Appropriations Limit 4,168,519 Goodman Commerce Infrastructure Developer Agreement Pay-Off - Appropriations L 2,559,050 Subtotal Capital Outlay Expenditure Budget 6,727,569 FY2022-23 Proposed Reserve Commitments General Fund: Facility Construction City Hall - Appropriations Limit 5,545,900 General Fund: Facility Construction Library - Appropriations Limit 7,000,000 Subtotal Capital Outlay Reserve Commitments 12,545,900 FY2022-23 Proposed Capital Outlay Expenditures 93026: Appropriation from Reserve: Limonite Gap Bridge 2,500,000 93026: Limonite Gap Bridge 4,525,000 95001: Hamner Place 700,000 94012: Prado Dam Inundation Utlity Mitigation 155,000 95011: Facility Construction City Hall 3,100,000 95018: Modular Offices 800,000 93035: I-15 Corridor Landscaping 200,000 Subtotal Capital Outlay Expenditure Budget 2,500,000 9,480,000 Remaining Appropriations Limit Surplus 0 0 FY2021-22 Commitments and Expenditures FY2022-23 Appropriations From Reserve FY2022-23 Commitments and Expenditures City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 26 CITY OF EASTVALE UNAUDITED: 70% Reported Fiscal Year 2022-23Interim Financial Report | QUARTER THREE ending March 31, 2023 | 9 months Sales Tax Summary Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2022-23 Quarter 2018-19 2019-20**2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Budget Quarter 1 2,454,597 2,986,937 2,873,677 10,585,289 11,716,157 44,000,000 Quarter 2 #2,693,017 2,807,803 3,144,645 12,241,575 13,047,249 Quarter 3 2,129,355 2,272,291 10,892,874 10,836,091 10,173,170 Quarterly Quarter 4 2,332,606 2,281,948 11,208,862 11,047,330 - Budget: TOTAL Sales Tax 9,609,575 10,348,979 28,120,058 44,710,286 34,936,576 11,000,000 **Sales tax for quarter 1 2019-20 included a late payment from the state applicable to prior quarters, this timing issue is the result of a state software system conversion. As a result, the amounts for quarter 1 2019-20 appear higher than normal. NOTE: Sales tax figures represent sales tax receipts applicable to the quarters indicated. Amounts may not have been actually received in the quarter indicated, these totals may not be represented in other summary reports included in this quarterly interim report. # The true up for Quarter 2 ending December 31, 2020 has not been received as of the publish date of this report. It was included in the FY2021-22 budget. Per HdL there is no estimated delivery date for the true up payment, as a result, the true up is not budgeted in the current year. City of Eastvale │ 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 │ (951) 361-0900 │ eastvaleca.gov 27